Matriarch's Meta'syn

Matriarch's Meta'syn

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During this Masterclass, you'll learn the foundations of restoring the health and wellness of your family through creating nourishing habits and utilizing your God given abilities.

We’ll cover:
-Immune strengthening plants & herbs
-How to transition your family from the traditional S.A.D (Standard American Diet) to developing nourishing habits in & outside your home (even for the picky eaters). 

-The foundations of how to cleanse & nourish the body. Understand, in order to transmute any condition in the body, cleansing is the prerequisite.

-How to build your herbal collection to help with colds, skin issues & other common imbalances. Mother Earth has provided everything needed and it's time to remember & reconnect.

-How to nourish the mind & spirit of your family. It's necessary to remember and activate the brilliance within to truly create a thriving family. 

This Masterclass is available for both women & men who are ready to restore the health & vitality of their families. -Those who desire to break GENErational toxic cycles and care to be the progression of their lineages.

You'll be given templates & guides to go along with the class. This class will be interactive, enlightening and will activate the God-gene within!  

Class is Friday, November 10th at 7pm EST. An email will be sent out the day with the details to join via Zoom.

I look forward to seeing you inside!
-Angelique Creatrix